Business Torts

For more than 20 years, Mr. Gordon has represented both defendants and plaintiffs in areas involving business disputes. The areas litigated by the firm include securities fraud litigation and …
Covenants Not to Compete

In the current economy, downsizing has become an easy fix for businesses facing financial pressures. Workers who have been employed their entire lives are experiencing life on the unemployment …
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Employment Discrimination
Sexual Harassment

Employees have a right to work without fear of workplace harassment or discrimination. This right is protected by Massachusetts law, G.L. 151B, as well as the laws of the federal government…
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Gordon Law Office was founded in 2000 when Attorney Kenneth Gordon elected to leave big firm Boston practice so that he could concentrate on the types of clients and cases that fit his style of practice. Located in the heart of Boston’s financial district, next to historic Quincy Market, Gordon Law Office specializes in two areas of the law: employment discrimination, and business torts. Litigation of disputes involving employment was a natural fit for…
For the past 10 years, Mr. Gordon has concentrated his efforts in solo practice, with the Gordon Law Office. This way he can concentrate his efforts on servicing his clients’ legal needs, rather than become involved in issues between or among partners.He concentrates in the areas of employment discrimination, including sexual harassment, wrongful discharge, covenants not to compete and civil rights violations. His second specialty involves the area of commercial litigation, which ties in diverse areas such as disputes between businesses, disputes among shareholders, defense of enforcement actions such as…….